英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 2001年版 A Code
TUMOR 腫瘤    
Malignant skull tumor 顱骨惡性腫瘤 170.0 A110
Malignant scalp tumor 頭皮惡性腫瘤 173.4 A112
Malignant cerebrum tumor 大腦惡性腫瘤 191.0 A130
Malignant cerebellum tumor 小腦惡性腫瘤 191.6 A130
Malignant brain stem tumor 腦幹惡性腫瘤 191.7 A130
Malignant neoplasm of brain 腦惡性腫瘤 191.9 A130
Malignant cranial nerve tumor 顱神經惡性腫瘤 192.0 A139
Malignant cerebral meninges tumor 大腦膜惡性腫瘤 192.1 A139
Malignant spinal cord tumor 脊髓惡性腫瘤 192.2 A139
Malignant spinal meninges tumor 脊髓膜惡性腫瘤 192.3 A139
Metastatic spinal tumor 脊椎之續發性惡性腫瘤 198.5 A139
Metastatic brain tumor 腦之續發性惡性腫瘤 198.3 A139
Benign skull tumor 顱骨良性腫瘤 213.0 A159
Benign scalp tumor 頭皮良性腫瘤 216.4 A150
Benign brain tumor 腦部良性腫瘤 225.0 A155
Benign cranial nerve tumor 腦神經良性腫瘤 225.1 A155
Benign cerebral meninges tumor 大腦膜良性腫瘤 225.2 A155
Benign spinal cord tumor 脊髓良性腫瘤 225.3 A155
Benign spinal meninges tumor 脊髓膜良性腫瘤 225.4 A155
Brain tumor 腦腫瘤 239.6 A17
Spinal cord tumor 脊髓腫瘤 239.7 A17
TRAUMA  外傷    
Postconcussional syndrome  腦震盪後徵候群 310.2 A219
Anoxic brain damage 腦缺氧損傷 348.1 A229
Cerebral edema 腦水腫 348.5 A229
Skull defect 顱骨缺損 738.10 A439
Fracture of skull, closed 閉鎖性顱骨骨折 803.00 A470
Fracture of skull, open 開放性顱骨骨折 803.50 A470
Fracture of skull with contusion of brain 顱骨骨折合併腦挫傷 803.10 A470
Fracture of skull with epidural hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併硬腦膜上出血 803.20 A470
Fracture of skull with subdural hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併硬腦膜下出血 803.20 A470
Fracture of skull with subarachnoid hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併蜘蛛網膜下出血 803.20 A470
Fracture of skull with intracranial hemorrhage 顱骨骨折合併腦出血 803.30 A470
Fracture of skull with intracranial injury 顱骨骨折合併顱內損傷 803.40 A470
Fracture of cervical spine 頸椎骨折 805.00 A471
Fracture of thoracic spine 胸椎骨折 805.2 A471
Fracture of lumbar spine 腰椎骨折 805.4 A471
Fracture of cervical spine with cord injury 頸椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.00 A471
Fracture of thoracic spine with cord injury 胸椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.20 A471
Fracture of lumbar spine with cord injury 腰椎骨折合併脊髓損傷 806.4 A471
Brain concussion 腦震盪 850.9 A490
Brain contusion 腦挫傷 851.80 A491
Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage 外傷性蜘蛛網膜下出血 852.00 A491
Traumatic subdural hemorrhage 外傷性硬腦膜下出血 852.20 A491
Traumatic epidural hemorrhage 外傷性硬腦膜上出血 852.40 A491
Carotid-cavernous fistula 頸動脈海綿竇廔管 853.00 A491
Traumatic brain hemorrhage 外傷性腦出血 853.00 A491
Head injury 頭部外傷 959.01 A491
Scalp laceration 頭皮撕裂傷 873.0 A500
Late effect of intracranial injury 顱內損傷之後遺症 907.0 A56
Scalp, face contusion 頭皮、臉之挫傷 920 A55
Cranial nerve injury 顱神經損傷 951.9 A491
Spinal cord injury, cervical 頸椎脊髓損傷 952.00 A499
Spinal cord injury, thoracic 胸椎脊髓損傷 952.10 A499
Spinal cord injury, lumbar 腰椎脊髓損傷 952.2 A499
Nerve injury 神經損傷 957.9 A499
Cervical spondylosis  頸部椎關節黏連 721.0 A434
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy  伴有脊髓病變之頸部椎關節黏連 721.1 A434
Thoracic spondylosis  胸部椎關節黏連 721.2 A434
Lumbar spondylosis  腰胝骨椎關節黏連 721.3 A434
Thoracic spondylosis with myelopathy  伴有脊髓病變之胸部椎關節黏連 721.41 A434
Lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy  伴有脊髓病變之腰部椎關節黏連 721.42 A434
Herniation of cervical intervertebal disc 頸部椎間盤移位 722.0 A434
Herniation of thoracic intervertebal disc 胸部椎間盤移位 722.11 A434
Herniation of humbar intervertebal disc 腰部椎間盤移位 722.10 A434
Spinal stenosis, cervical region 頸部脊椎狹窄 723.0 A434
Torticollis 斜頸 723.5 A434
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament, cervical region 頸部後縱韌帶骨化 723.7 A434
Spinal stenosis, in thoracic spine 胸部脊椎狹窄 724.01 A434
Spinal stenosis, in lumbar spine 腰部脊椎狹窄 724.02 A434
Lumbago 腰痛 724.2 A434
Sciatica 坐骨神經痛 724.3 A434
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament(OPLL) 後縱韌帶骨化 724.8 A434
Myalgia and myositis 肌痛及肌炎 729.1 A435
Spondylolisthesis(acquired) 後天性脊椎滑脫 738.4 A439
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 蜘蛛網膜下腔出血 430 A290
Intracerebral hemorrhage 腦內出血 431 A291
Subdural hemorrhage 硬腦膜下出血 432.1 A291
Intracranial hemorrhage 顱內出血 432.9 A291
Cerebral artery occlussion 腦動脈阻塞 434.90 A292
Transient ischemic attack 暫時性腦部缺氧 435.9 A299
Cerebral aneurysm 腦部動脈瘤 437.3 A299
Moyamoya disease 腦部小血管雲霧狀疾病 437.5 A299
Intracranical arteriovenous malformation (AVM) of brain 腦動靜脈畸形 747.81 A442
Congenital cerebral aneurysm 先天性腦部動脈瘤 747.81 A442
Arnold-chiari syndrome Arnold-chiari氏症候群  741.00 A440
Spinal bifida 脊椎裂 741.90 A440
Myelomeningocele 脊髓脊膜膨出 741.90 A440
Encephalocele  腦膨出 742.0 A441
Meningocele, cerebral  腦膜膨出 742.0 A441
Congenital hydrocephalus 先天性水腦症 742.3 A440
Tethered cord syndrome 腰脊髓粘連症候群 742.59 A441
Congenital anomaly of nervous system  先天性神經系統畸形 742.9 A441
Cerebral palsy 腦性痳痺 343.9 A224
Cerebral cyst 腦囊腫 348.0 A229
Tuberculosis of brain 腦結核病 013.20 A022
Tuberculosis of spine 脊椎結核病 015.00 + A024 +
730.88 A436
Viral meningitis 病毒性腦膜炎 047.9 A049
Bacterial meningitis 細菌性腦膜炎 320.9 A220
Meningitis 腦膜炎 322.9 A220
Encephalitis, Myelitis 腦炎、脊髓炎 323.9 A229
Intracranial abscess 顱內膿瘍 324.0 A229
Intraspinal abscess 椎管內膿瘍 324.1 A229
Postoperative infection 手術後感染 998.59 A54
Branchial plexus lesions 臂神經叢病灶 353.0 A229
Carpal tunnel syndrome 腕隧道徵候群 354.0 A229
Cubital tunnel syndrome 肘隧道徵候群 354.2 A229
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 跗隧道徵候群 355.5 A229
Peripheral neuropathy 末梢神經疾病 356.9 A229
Communicating hydrocephalus 交通性水腦症 331.3 A222
Non-communicating hydrocephalus 非交通性水腦症 331.4 A222
Epilepsy 癲癇 345.90 A225
Migraine 偏頭痛 346.90 A229
Trigeminal neuralgia 三叉神經痛 350.1 A229
Facial palsy 面神經麻痺 351.0 A229
Facial nerve disorders 面神經疾患 351.9 A229
Cranial nerve lesion 顱神經病灶 352.9 A229
Meniere's disease 梅尼爾病 386.00 A249
Bromhidrosis 汗臭症 705.89 A429
Craniosynostosis 顱縫線封閉過早 756.0 A447
Vertigo 眩暈 780.4 A469
Insomnia 失眠 780.52 A469
Hyperhidrosis 多汗 780.8 A469
Headache 頭痛 784.0 A469